Tag: transportation
Us Versus Them
Streets Are for People
STARTIntro: Lindsay Sturman, Taylor Nichols, and Nick Richert 3:25 on.soundcloud.com/vxvXGRoads Kill: Emily Badger on her viral NY Times Article, “The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths,” and how American Foreign Service agents are more likely to be killed by cars at home than overseas. Taylor Nichols interviews. 32:52 on.soundcloud.com/RcB8ECatch-22: Miriam Pinsky on her article…
STARTOur Champions: an Assemblymember from urban Los Angeles and a Representative of a primarily small-town Massachusetts district are fighting for safe streets and biking in similar ways. California’s 43rd Assemblymember and Transportation Committee Chair Laura Friedman wrote the revolutionary legislation that ended parking minimums near transit in the state of Califlornia. If that weren’t enough,…
STARTMassachusetts Bicycle Coalition E.D. Galen Mook on safe streets-related ballot questions 1 (the “Fair Share Amendment”) and 4 (driver licenses for undocumented immigrants) in the Massachusetts election. 2:18 on.soundcloud.com/3DJwQRoad Kill: Prop “J” would keep The Great Walkway and JFK Drive in San Francisco car free for community; Prop “I” would steal smiles from children. Zach…
Transportation Futurist
Robin Chase, Executive Chairwoman of New Urban Mobility and founder of Zipcar, among other roles, talks about the future of bikes with Bike Talk co-host Andrea Learned.
Estonia Los Angeles Arlington
The Estonian ambassador to The Netherlands rides a bike as his official diplomatic vehicle. Lauri Kuusing talks about that and the impact of the Ukraine situation with Lindsay Sturman. twitter.com/LKuusing/status/149…x54MFY4j5QNGqysP3HQ @12:34: Eli Akira Kaufman, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition, talks to Taylor Nichols about the Healthy Streets LA initiative, which “provided a…
Bike Los Angeles and Biketwitter
Los Angeles Council District 4 Councilmember Nithya Raman and her Field Deputy Mehmet Berker on how they’re doing more for bikes than the rest of LA City Council (according to Streets For All). Read: la.streetsblog.org/2022/01/24/coun…infrastructure/ -with Lindsay Sturman, cohost. @ 19:55: @EmFriedenberg, @esoxeneco, and @JCRiecke on their viral tweets: twitter.com/EmFriedenberg/statu…90UQ-IPK43EvcWhXXDQ, twitter.com/esoxeneco/status/14…90UQ-IPK43EvcWhXXDQ, and twitter.com/JCRiecke/status/148…90UQ-IPK43EvcWhXXDQ @40:00: LA…
Healthy Streets and the Idaho Stop
Streets For All’s Founder Michael Schneider with cohost Taylor Nichols on why Los Angeles needs another safe streets nonprofit, and their campaign to force the city to implement its own mobility plan every time a street is repaved. www.healthystreetsla.com/ streetsforall.org/ Edited by Kevin Burton. @ 19:45- Streetsblog Chicago editor John Greenfield talks with Eben Weiss,…