Month: November 2022

  • Eye Opening Eye Opening

    STARTGlobal Connections: At Bike Lab, a DIY workshop in Northampton, Massachusetts, Ruthy Woodring collects bikes for projects in Trinidad and Haiti. 8:47 The Bicycle Film Festival’s Founding Director, Brendt Barbur, interviewed by Taylor Nichols. 27:33 Bias: NYC bicyclist lawyer Adam White tells how he was thrown in jail for removing a piece of…

  • Inspire

    STARTSchool Bus: a bike bus run by P.E. teacher Sam Balto in Portland, OR has been emulated and celebrated in social media. Interviews with Bus volunteers and Portland Bike Loud members Cathy Tuttle and Paul Buchanan. 10:51 Oven Is Open: after years of hanging on by a thread, the Bicycle Oven collective of Northeast…

  • Together

    STARTHappy Trails: friends of non-Internal Combustion Engine transportation converged at the MassTrails conference last Saturday. MassBike E.D. Galen Mook interviews Namrit Kapur of 6:29 here: Eli Kaufman on Fig for all’s years-long effort of making 3.2 miles of iconic Sunset blvd a 2-way protected bike lane, transforming the “high injury network” street into…

  • Parallel_politics

    STARTOur Champions: an Assemblymember from urban Los Angeles and a Representative of a primarily small-town Massachusetts district are fighting for safe streets and biking in similar ways. California’s 43rd Assemblymember and Transportation Committee Chair Laura Friedman wrote the revolutionary legislation that ended parking minimums near transit in the state of Califlornia. If that weren’t enough,…

  • Measures

    STARTMassachusetts Bicycle Coalition E.D. Galen Mook on safe streets-related ballot questions 1 (the “Fair Share Amendment”) and 4 (driver licenses for undocumented immigrants) in the Massachusetts election. 2:18 Kill: Prop “J” would keep The Great Walkway and JFK Drive in San Francisco car free for community; Prop “I” would steal smiles from children. Zach…