Month: July 2023

  • Save the Mamils

    0:00 Trash Talk: A recent listener email objected to Bike Talk’s interview with Bike Mapper Jaimy Fisher because she didn’t use Strava data that included MAMILs (Middle Aged Men in Lycra). Original interview at: This, according to our listener, constituted “Trash Talking MAMILS.” Cohosts Taylor, Lindsay, Madeleine, Seamus & Nick do some introspecting, and…

  • Bike Your Way

    0:33 Lucas Rowton, mountain bike racer and bike mechanic, gives some advice on chains and flats. 10:44 LA Times Art and Design Columnist Carolina Miranda on her article, “Build less housing for cars and more for people,” with Taylor Nichols. 26:00 State of the art thinking about safety from two Pittsfield,…

  • Bikecentric

  • Tactical Urbanism the Bicycle

    0:29 Talks: Truck sideguards are proven to save lives; the League of American Bicyclists’ Deputy Executive Director Caron Whitaker tells cohost Taylor Nichols how the USDOT chose the trucking industry over lives. 10:33 Roots: A recent Bike Talk forum covered the past, present, and future of Bike Advocacy in Los Angeles at the…