Month: January 2022

  • Nycs Delivery Workers Union and Bike Trains of the Pacific Northwest

    Deliveristas Unidos organizes New York City bike delivery workers for a livable wage and the right to organize, in addition to some other basic protections. An organizer named Josh talks to Galen Mook, MassBike Executive Director.Edited by Kevin Burton.Then-Megan Ramey of Hood River, Oregon talks about starting a bike train for parents dropping their kids…

  • What Can a Mayor Do or a Mom

    The Mayor of the City of Emeryville, California, John Bauters, campaigned on a platform that supported building affordable housing, expanding active transit infrastructure, and making Emeryville more sustainable and environmentally resilient.John bikes the talk on his 41 mile commute to Bay Area Air Quality Management District meetings, where he’s the Vice Chair.Melanie Curry, Editor of…

  • Caltrans and Equiticity

    CalTrans, California’s Department of Transportation, has been driver-centric until now, but with a new Complete Streets policy and active transportation advocates in the lead, it may be a new agency. CalTrans Deputy Director for Sustainability Tony Dang fields questions from Bike East Bay Advocacy Director Dave Campbell. With Bike Talk cohost Lindsay Sturman. Then-the mobility…

  • New Year New Union New E Trike New Theme Song


  • Michael Schneiders 2021 Wrapup with Nick Aka John Foresters Worst Enemy

    Michael Schneider, founder Streets for All, goes over the highs and lows of 2021 for safe streets in Los Angeles with Don Ward and Lindsay Sturman. Then-New Year’s resolutions from a #bikeTwitter perspective with Nick (AKA John Forester’s Worst Nightmare). Edited by Kevin Burton