Tag: safety
Safe Streets Viral Tweets Bike Summiting and Crank Hustling
The Bike Summit and how the climate movements needs to wake up about (e)bikes with Caron Whitaker, Deputy Executive Director of the League of American Bicyclists and Galen Mook, cohost and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition:www.bikeleague.org/13:29Emily stein, president of Safe Roads Alliance, on Global Road Safety Week Relay ride/walk/run across Massachusetts-www.saferoadsalliance.org/22:44 Wilcer/William Cervantes,…
Safe Streets in Western Mass San Diego and Online
Northampton, Massachusetts residents are organizing in the wake of Charlie Braun’s car killing. George Kahout, President of Friends of Northampton Trails, and Elena Huisman, with Main Street For Everyone, talk to Galen Mook, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Bike Coalition.mainst4everyone.org/fntrails.org/www.massbike.org/www.gazettenet.com/Driver-who-stru…harged-43390653Then, @ 27:00,Laura Keenan, whose husband, Matt, was killed by a distracted driver in September, has…
Bike Los Angeles and Biketwitter
Los Angeles Council District 4 Councilmember Nithya Raman and her Field Deputy Mehmet Berker on how they’re doing more for bikes than the rest of LA City Council (according to Streets For All). Read: la.streetsblog.org/2022/01/24/coun…infrastructure/ -with Lindsay Sturman, cohost. @ 19:55: @EmFriedenberg, @esoxeneco, and @JCRiecke on their viral tweets: twitter.com/EmFriedenberg/statu…90UQ-IPK43EvcWhXXDQ, twitter.com/esoxeneco/status/14…90UQ-IPK43EvcWhXXDQ, and twitter.com/JCRiecke/status/148…90UQ-IPK43EvcWhXXDQ @40:00: LA…
Healthy Streets and the Idaho Stop
Streets For All’s Founder Michael Schneider with cohost Taylor Nichols on why Los Angeles needs another safe streets nonprofit, and their campaign to force the city to implement its own mobility plan every time a street is repaved. www.healthystreetsla.com/ streetsforall.org/ Edited by Kevin Burton. @ 19:45- Streetsblog Chicago editor John Greenfield talks with Eben Weiss,…
Curbing Traffic
Melissa and Chris Bruntlett share the Netherlands model of reducing cars to create livable cities. Their new book, Curbing Traffic: The Human Case for Fewer Cars in Our Lives is available at www.modacitylife.com/curbing-traffic