Tag: completestreets

  • Let Freedom Ride

    Let Freedom RideAnne Marie’s bike packing trip to Point Mugu State Park.  The inexplicable bike hate of James Clarke in Glendale, California balanced by defenders of mode choice and street safety, Glendale Councilmember Dan Brotman and California Assemblyperson Laura Friedman. 5:25 Upcoming group rides in Detroit with guest Reo Ramsey, President of Detroit’s Motown Trailblazerz…

  • Changes

    2:24 on.soundcloud.com/ocg3pWild at Heart: A girl tames a big-kid bike in “Wild Blue: Taming a Big-Kid Bike,” by bestselling children’s book author and journalist Dashka Slater. Dashka reads the story. 19:44 on.soundcloud.com/7e3vNNo Time For Losers: Pittsfield’s City Council strikes down a referendum to bring the design of its downtown pilot protected lane to voters on…

  • Measures

    STARTMassachusetts Bicycle Coalition E.D. Galen Mook on safe streets-related ballot questions 1 (the “Fair Share Amendment”) and 4 (driver licenses for undocumented immigrants) in the Massachusetts election. 2:18 on.soundcloud.com/3DJwQRoad Kill: Prop “J” would keep The Great Walkway and JFK Drive in San Francisco car free for community; Prop “I” would steal smiles from children. Zach…

  • Caltrans and Equiticity

    CalTrans, California’s Department of Transportation, has been driver-centric until now, but with a new Complete Streets policy and active transportation advocates in the lead, it may be a new agency. CalTrans Deputy Director for Sustainability Tony Dang fields questions from Bike East Bay Advocacy Director Dave Campbell. With Bike Talk cohost Lindsay Sturman. Then-the mobility…

  • E Bike Revolution

    Lloyd Alter, blogger at Treehugger.org, talks about his article, “Politicians and Planners Are Missing The E-Bike Revolution” with Galen Mook, Bike Talk host and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Bike Coalition. Dr. Natalia Barbour, Assistant professor at the Delft University of Technology, and Courtney Cobbs, E-Bike enthusiast, co-editor of Streetsblog Chicago, and Co-founder of Better…