If You Build It, They Will Ride

Personal injury attorney Jim Pocrass on the laws regarding Cycling Under the Influence. 2:04

News: A Los Angeles Die-in, more studies on the benefits of biking, and mandated Intelligent Speed Assistance in all new European cars. 8:45
Jack Ketcham on Election Cycles- Tempe Bicycle Action Group’s rides and forums for candidates for political office in Tempe, Arizona. 12:02
Listener email: what’s best for bikeshare. 18:35
The story of Paris’ bike transformation by Secrets of Paris writer Heather Stimmler. 21:55

The limitations of community participation in planning for bike lanes with Miriam Pinski, PhD, Transportation Researcher with Shared-Use Mobility Center of UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. 38:07

Bike Thought. 56:20


