Month: March 2022

  • Bikeways for All

    California Assembly Bill 371 “would put most, if not all, shared micromobility systems out of business.” California Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Dave Snyder talks about this threat and Calbike’s budget request for $500 million to implement connected, protected bicycle networks with cohost Taylor“2 Wheeled Wolf” blogger Wolf Simpson talks to cohost Sarah Dylan Bruer…

  • Safe Streets in Western Mass San Diego and Online

    Northampton, Massachusetts residents are organizing in the wake of Charlie Braun’s car killing. George Kahout, President of Friends of Northampton Trails, and Elena Huisman, with Main Street For Everyone, talk to Galen Mook, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Bike…harged-43390653Then, @ 27:00,Laura Keenan, whose husband, Matt, was killed by a distracted driver in September, has…

  • Estonia Los Angeles Arlington

    The Estonian ambassador to The Netherlands rides a bike as his official diplomatic vehicle. Lauri Kuusing talks about that and the impact of the Ukraine situation with Lindsay Sturman.…x54MFY4j5QNGqysP3HQ @12:34: Eli Akira Kaufman, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition, talks to Taylor Nichols about the Healthy Streets LA initiative, which “provided a…