Tag: ebike

  • Costa Rica, Congestion Pricing NYC, and Biking with Disability #2501

  • Paving the Way

    Transcript: bit.ly/3ndXn25 IntroTaylor Nichols, Seamus Garrity, Jenni Chang, and Nick Richert talk about the day’s die-in and preview this episode. 4:24 on.soundcloud.com/1ickSStandout Service: Reflections on a superlative record of active transportation and safe streets legislation with Laura Friedman, California’s 43rd District Assembly member and Transportation Committee Chair, by Seamus Garrity. 22:12 on.soundcloud.com/ZV88MEncouraging E-bikes: Vouchers for…

  • The Future Is Here

    STARTNo Free Parking: California reverses its policy on parking minimums, and parking reformer Tony Jordan is celebrating with Lindsay Sturman.parkingreform.org/los-angeles-party/ 11:25 on.soundcloud.com/Be13kFail to Plan, Plan to Fail: California Senator Anthony Portantino’s newly signed “Plan For The Future” law requires cities and counties to include bicycle and pedestrian plans, multimodal networks, and traffic calming for any urbanized…

  • E Bike Revolution

    Lloyd Alter, blogger at Treehugger.org, talks about his article, “Politicians and Planners Are Missing The E-Bike Revolution” with Galen Mook, Bike Talk host and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Bike Coalition. Dr. Natalia Barbour, Assistant professor at the Delft University of Technology, and Courtney Cobbs, E-Bike enthusiast, co-editor of Streetsblog Chicago, and Co-founder of Better…