Tag: bicycle

  • Kyiv Boston Boise Los Angeles

    Transcript: bit.ly/3Z6S3L1 Intro: Taylor Nichols, Seamus Garrity, and Nick Richert 0:51 https://on.soundcloud.com/kKbcRSafe? No. Why? Cars: Dr. Anne Lusk talks to Seamus Garrity about her article, “Is cycling safe? In many cases, the answer is no,” in the Harvard Gazette. 22:07 on.soundcloud.com/oJc9RBikes4Ukraine: Mikael Colville-Andersen, founder of Copenhagenize, talks from Kyiv with Seamus about his project to get…

  • Eye Opening Eye Opening

    STARTGlobal Connections: At Bike Lab, a DIY workshop in Northampton, Massachusetts, Ruthy Woodring collects bikes for projects in Trinidad and Haiti. 8:47 on.soundcloud.com/HppWEBFF: The Bicycle Film Festival’s Founding Director, Brendt Barbur, interviewed by Taylor Nichols. 27:33 on.soundcloud.com/27tvNWindshield Bias: NYC bicyclist lawyer Adam White tells how he was thrown in jail for removing a piece of…

  • Inspire

    STARTSchool Bus: a bike bus run by P.E. teacher Sam Balto in Portland, OR has been emulated and celebrated in social media. Interviews with Bus volunteers and Portland Bike Loud members Cathy Tuttle and Paul Buchanan. 10:51 on.soundcloud.com/f3CCjThe Oven Is Open: after years of hanging on by a thread, the Bicycle Oven collective of Northeast…

  • Parallel_politics

    STARTOur Champions: an Assemblymember from urban Los Angeles and a Representative of a primarily small-town Massachusetts district are fighting for safe streets and biking in similar ways. California’s 43rd Assemblymember and Transportation Committee Chair Laura Friedman wrote the revolutionary legislation that ended parking minimums near transit in the state of Califlornia. If that weren’t enough,…

  • Were on a Roll

    STARTStay Car Free: San Francisco will vote on whether to keep JFK Drive car free November 8th. Stacey Randecker interviews Prop J organizer Zachary Lipton.sf.streetsblog.org/2022/08/30/save…-n-and-no-on-i/ 2:05In Closing: Los Angeles Councilmember Mike Bonin has been a friend to Los Angeles bikes and pedestrians. Bonin fought two recall efforts, one of which was over traffic calming he…

  • The Future Is Here

    STARTNo Free Parking: California reverses its policy on parking minimums, and parking reformer Tony Jordan is celebrating with Lindsay Sturman.parkingreform.org/los-angeles-party/ 11:25 on.soundcloud.com/Be13kFail to Plan, Plan to Fail: California Senator Anthony Portantino’s newly signed “Plan For The Future” law requires cities and counties to include bicycle and pedestrian plans, multimodal networks, and traffic calming for any urbanized…

  • Bike Reps

    Administrating the Massachusetts and Los Angeles County bicycle coalitions, with Executive Directors Galen Mook and Eli Akira Kaufman. www.massbike.org/ www.la-bike.org/ *Galen hosts a Bike Talk at biketalk881.com/ **Edited by Kevin Burton, cofounder of the West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition. 22:13 The Bicycle Mayor of Toronto, Lanrick Bennett, Jr. on his “origin story,” his daughter’s “bike strike,”…

  • Open Streets and Two Wheels Good

    The first Ciclovías began in Bogotá, Colombia, in 1974. In 2010, after immense effort by the cycling community of Los Angeles, an Open Streets event, there called CicLAvia, first took place in the heart of Downtown—and became an instant hit. Dozens of individuals and organizations have put their weight behind CicLAvia. In this episode, we…

  • Transportation Futurist

    Robin Chase, Executive Chairwoman of New Urban Mobility and founder of Zipcar, among other roles, talks about the future of bikes with Bike Talk co-host Andrea Learned.

  • Scott Epstein for La Cd5 From a Northampton Point of View

    Scott Epstein is an active transportation progressive running for the powerful position of Council District 5 representative in Los Angeles. In this interview with Bike Talk cohost Taylor Nichols, Scott lays out his priorities: ending homelessness, addressing the Los Angeles housing/affordability crisis, and taking local action on climate change. Epstein is able to connect all…