
Transcript: bit.ly/3yWgK1V

Intro: Seamus, Lindsay, Nick and Taylor

Burbank Does Bike: Councilmember Nikki Perez, who ran a progressive urbanist campaign and received more votes than any CM in Burbank’s history, on engaging communities in active transportation – with Seamus Garrity.

Taking the Lane: The anti-bike lane drivists of Pittsfield, Massachusetts want to rip the protected bike lane pilot out of the heart of their city. Nick Russo and the safe streets champions won’t yield. www.pittsfieldcommunity.design/

Learned Advocacy: Climate advocacy podcaster Andrea Learned on how to build social capital and sustain networks online and in real life, with guest cohost and former Culver City Mayor Alex Fisch. podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sust…i=1000596831970

Radicalized by Bike: Adam Johnston on his politics-changing bike commute in Winnipeg.

Editing by Kevin Burton.
Closing Song, “Bike,” by Mal Webb.
Interstitial music, “Just Moving,” by Don Ward.
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