Tag: chicago
The Art of Advocacy
Tactical Urbanism the Bicycle
0:29 on.soundcloud.com/xwxnTMoney Talks: Truck sideguards are proven to save lives; the League of American Bicyclists’ Deputy Executive Director Caron Whitaker tells cohost Taylor Nichols how the USDOT chose the trucking industry over lives. 10:33 on.soundcloud.com/Le7gyAdvocacy Roots: A recent Bike Talk forum covered the past, present, and future of Bike Advocacy in Los Angeles at the…
Chicago and Humanity
STARTLay it Out: Rony Islam and Daniel Streicher on Bike Grid Now’s tactics (Bike Jams, Bike Buses, Jamapalooza) and goal (10% of Chicago streets capped at 10mph).https://bikegridnow.org 20:15 https://on.soundcloud.com/mTkKmRip It Out: Michael Podgers, Jeremy Frisch, and Kyle Lucas of Better Streets Chicago on the plan for Lakeshore Drive, a highway on Lake Michigan. With Stacey…
Biking Good and Bad
The founder of Pedal People, Ruthy Woodring, talks trash and bike repair. Chicago Family Biking founder Rebeccah Resman and Streetsblog editor John Greenfield on the killing of a 3 year old on her mother’s bike in a street with a bike lane. chi.streetsblog.org/2022/06/09/fema…nway-in-uptown/ www.chicagofamilybiking.org/