No to Naysayers Podcast

Here for the Ratio: Anne Marie Drolet, a bikeshare mechanic in Los Angeles, breaks down gear ratios with Nick.

Good Work: Kristen Sykes, a Holyoke, Massachusetts Bike Ped Committee and MassBike Board member, on what’s being done to make Holyoke friendlier to bikes. With Holyoke student Lily Hoffman Strickler.

Picture if You Will: The Mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts has big ideas for biking in the already bike friendly town. Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra With Director of Planning & Sustainability Carolyn Misch, Pedal People co-founder Ruthy Woodring, and Nick Richert.

Talk to Me: Pablo Lebidensky writes about mobility in Buenos Aires, and talks with Nick about it.

Spokes ‘N Stuff: Bike mechanic Manny Alvarado on the basics of maintenance. Also: Burning Man vet Ves gets his bike tuned. With Taylor Nichols.


