Easy Does: Father’s Day was the New Orleans Big Easy Bike Festival. Details from Bayou Queens and Bayou Cruisers Bike Club President Hardy Elzy. www.facebook.com/groups/1765096107047285/
Decongest: congestion pricing nears approval in NYC; how and why with energy-policy analyst, transport economist and environmental activist Charles Komanoff. www.nytimes.com/2023/06/08/opinio…k-congestion.html
Easy Riders: a high school group recounts their bike camping tour of Western Massachusetts. With Northampton High bike tour coach and math teacher Brant Jones.Editing by Taylor Nichols and Mitchell Bove.Closing Song, “Bike,” by Mal Webb.Interstitial music, “Just Moving,” by Don Ward.Visit BikeTalk.org to be involved.
A radio show dedicated to the idea that we need to prioritize transportation by bikes.
Broadcasting on FM and streaming since 2008 from our home station in Los Angeles, KPFK, our sister station Valley Free Radio in Florence, Massachusetts and Pacifica affiliates:
WNUC in Detroit, MI, WGDR in Central Vermont, KXCR in Oregon’s Central Coast, and KCEI in Taos, NM.