Women Talk Bikes

Women Talk Bikes


Pedal Love: 

  • California by Bike – Segment Host Charlie Gandy gives an update from the California Bicycle Coalition with the exciting news for May as National Bike Month on how California jumped 10 spots to #9 in the state ranking by the League of American Bicyclists. This truly impressive improvement came via some very important changes with Caltrans mindset and adopting the NACTO guide,  the upcoming grant round from Caltrans for Active Transportation for cities across the state with a May 21st deadline, the passing of the 3 foot safe passing bill, and much more. He also has a fascinating personal story of how the Vista Bike Blvd. in Long Beach has inspired a local Long Beach mother to re-imagine how her family gets to school, shops and has fun.
  • Mindfulness + the Bike – Segment Host Kellie Morris shares her thoughts on the need to officially begin a “Civil Streets Conversation for California” starting with getting bicyclists of all stripes to come together and get along better as a political force rather than staying in their own individual camps and mindsets. Sharing own personal experience of moving from her time as an athletic road cyclist to someone who’s life was changed dramatically when she was diagnosed with Connective Tissue Disease and has since learned to better manage this chronic pain condition via riding her recumbent bike daily for errands, meetings and exercise.
  • Stylish by Bike – Segment Host Melissa Balmer shares some of the latest examples from ads in leading style magazines like Los Angeles Magazine, Vogue, and others illustrating how much the bike is moving into the mainstream media to showcase vibrant, fun, sexy, healthy living. Melissa is passionate that here in California especially we have an opportunity to be inspired and harness this momentum to move the bike from a prop to a true tool for urban optimism by looking for collaborative opportunities between bike advocacy and the style leaders and creative at California companies like Levi’s, the Gap, Banana Republic to help us increase bike ridership. 

Women Talk Bikes: 

Gwen Urey, who teaches urban & regional planning at Cal Poly Pomona, focuses on bike safety. Shanon Muir, the Active Streets L.A. Initiative Coordinator of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, focuses on community engagement around infrastructure in south LA.




