The Bikes of March– LA River Lanes, Marathon Crash Race, Bicycle Films, and Boston Green Lanes

The Bikes of March– LA River Lanes, Marathon Crash Race, Bicycle Films, and Boston Green Lanes


Listen: Omar Brownson, Executive Director of the LA River Revitalization Corporation, talks about the turns the river is taking, including bike-in movies and a 51 mile-long “greenway” by 2020. Nicole Freedman, Director/“Czar” of the Boston Bikes Program, talks about the Green Lanes coming to her city. Don Ward, race promoter, blogger, founder of Wolfpack Hustle and co-founder + webmaster of Midnight Ridazz, gives the why’s and wherefores of the LA Marathon Crash Race Cancellation, as blogger Maria Sipin gives us live voices from that same race; and Brendt Barbur tells us about the awesome upcoming LA Bicycle Film Festival (April 4-5).





