09/15/12 Bike Talk

ProWalk ProBike ProPlace Conference 2012

Bike Talk podcastBike Talk departs from our usual format to take you on the road to the ProWalk / ProBike / ProPlace Conference that just wrapped up in Long Beach this week. We hear from key plenary speakers and from some of the 800 mobility advocates, agency officials, transportation researchers, health professionals, and vendors who attended.


California Bicycle Coalition communications director Jim Brown gives us the update on several bike-relevant developments, including new cost estimates for adding a Bikeway to the Bay Bridge in the Bay Area ($1 billion!).

Plenary speakers

Long Beach Councilmember Suja Lowenthal. She’s been a driver of change in Long Beach with the slogan, “Ride it and own it – these streets are yours.”

Former LB mobility coordinator (and consultant) Charles Gandy issues a call-to-arms to “zealots” to get this movement moving!

Fred Kent, founder & president of Project for Public Spaces, takes up the ‘zealous nuts’ theme. “Turn everything upside down to get from inadequate to extraordinary,” he says.

Ryan Snyder has set an agenda for change with his co-authored Model Streets Manual.

Dan Burden, director of Walkable and Livable Communities and longtime transportation advocate keeps with the “zealots” theme and gives us the marching orders.

Dr. Richard Jackson (UCLA) takes on AASHTO in his call for better places for better health outcomes. He calls it a talking about a ‘code blue’ moment to summon the urgency.

Pro-Walk / Pro-Bike conference interviews

A follow up with Dr. Jackson on his ‘cold blue’ call for better place-making.

A conference wrap up with Suja Lowenthal, councilmember from Long Beach, who talks about the movement, about Long Beach, and about the opportunities for better public spaces.

(No in-studio guests today because Bike Talk is out of studio!)

Bike Talk extrasIn our bonus hour, we follow our plenary coverage of the ProWalk / ProBike / ProPlace Conference with more interviews from luminaries and advocates (and often one in the same!).

Calif. Bicycle Coalition communications director Jim Brown talks about Sacramento-based advocacy.

Jen Klausner, Executive Director for the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition, talks about local advocacy efforts.

Alexis Lantz, former policy director for LACBC and now Los Angeles County Department of Health analyst, talks about her new perspective with LADPH.

Lynne Goldsmith from Metro talks about that agency’s efforts to get our places more walk- and bike-friendly.

Michelle Mowery, City of Los Angeles DOT senior bike coordinator, talks about the City of LA challenge: retrofitting old streets for new uses.

Elly Blue, bike economics enthusiast and all-things-bike maker behind takingthelane.com talks about advocacy and the Women’s Bicycle Summit.

Jean-Francois Rheault, Director, Eco Counter

Matt Goldman, Senior Port Planner, Port of Long Beach

Sandra Lupien, Outreach Director, Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition

Tyler Golly, General Supervisor of Sustainable Transportation, City of Edmonton

Eric Griswold, Social Media Consulatant, Copenhagenize Paul Dreher, DreherDesignGroup

Lyndsay McKeever, Alt. Transportation Intern, Virginia Tech & Blacksburg bike advocate

We’ve got plenty more interviews in the can, so if you’re not in here, listen for your taped appearance on Bike Talk sometime in the future!


Project for Public Spaces

Walkable and Livable Communities

California Bicycle Coalition

Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition

Los Angeles County Department of Health 


City of Los Angeles DOT




