09/08/12 Bike Talk

West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition September 8, 2012

Bike Talk podcastWest Hollywood Bicycle Coalition organizers Kevin Burton & David Gloshinkski introduce the LACBC’s local chapter working for safer streets for cyclists. They talk with West Hollywood luminaries about the importance of planning for bicycle transportation in West Hollywood and preview coming improvements following on the work of the Bicycle Task Force last year.

Kevin Burton and Dan Gloshinkski man the mics in the KPFK studios.Call-in guests

Melissa Antol, West Hollywood Manager for Long Range & Mobility Planning in the Community Development department, speaks about mobility planning in West Hollywood;

Dan Dabek, Executive director of Cyclists Inciting Change thru Live Exchange (C.I.C.L.E.), speaks about the Eagle Rock-based orgainziation’s sponsorship of upcoming event, the Tour de Fat. New Belgium Brewing’s traveling celebration arrives in Los Angeles on Saturday, September 15th 2012;

Martin Lopez-Iu, Volunteer Coordinator with the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC), spoke about upcoming events and their ride marshalls program;

Jennifer Moran, organizer behind this past weekend’s ArtCycle, talks about putting art, cycling & community on the civic map

John March talks about the BEAR program;

Abbe Land, West Hollywood City Council member, talked about the importance of inclusive mobility and the value of local advocacy; and

Cynthia Rose, co-organizer of Santa Monica Spoke, reviewed this upcoming week’s Long Beach conferences, including Pro Walk/Pro Bike (M-Th) and the Women’s Cycling Summit (Th).


Tour de Fat

Art Cycle

Abbe Land’s city page



